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Events / The folk celebrations

Russian Folklore Celebration “Karavon”

24 may, 2014, Republic of Tatarstan

Every May in the village of Nikolskoye in Layshevsk district guests from various corners of the republic and the country will come with the aim to plunge themselvs into Russian village traditions amd be closer to the sources of originality.

The celebration "Karavon" enjoys more than three hundred years of history. It coincides with the village patronal festival – the day of Nicholas the Miracle-maker from the town of Mira in Lykia.

In old times the celebration at the place took place for three days: it began  with church service in the village church, then moved to houses with family festive tables and then – to streets, where festivities and ring dance "karavon" were held.

Karavon not only united all inhabitants of the village on the basis of ancestral traditions, but had pragmatic significance, too – after sowing young people “played” their weddings, middle-aged and elder people visited each other at home, sang songs, remembered the dead, asked Nicholas of Spring to bring them rich harvest.

The festival of Russian folk groups from Tatarstan will present folk heritage of Russian people, decotrative and applied arts and crafts, ritual ring dance inherent to the local tradition. The celebration annually is attended by over 120 teams from the Republic of Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Udmurtia Republic, the Republic of Mari El, Kirov region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, etc. The total number of participants and spectators reaches 10,000 people.

From Nikolskoye to Kazan the distance is 36 km. On the day of the event transfer of the participants and guests is organized.

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0:35:49 0 C (0 F)
Region: Republic of Tatarstan
Venue: The village of Nikolskoye of Layshevsk municipal district